Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A few more hours of bliss

Did you ever go away to an island for a vacation? You know that bittersweet feeling you get on the last day because you know it's almost over? That's how I'm feeling today: Lizzie is coming home tonight after a nice long visit with her Dad. I feel a little bit guilty admitting how much I've enjoyed her absence. John mentioned today that he misses her but I'm still not there. It was FABULOUS getting up when I felt like it, going to the gym on my day off and not worrying about a sitter, going out to eat without ordering nuggets and juice, showering alone, completing every task without stopping to tie a balloon (or seven), and listening to whatever music I wanted to.
If that makes me a bad person, I'll live with the guilt. Maybe I'll burn in Hell, but at least I'll know people there. It's been a long 15 years.....

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