Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snowstorm Etiquette and FAQ

In case you missed the news (perhaps you have been in a coma or lost at sea in a raft): there's a BIG snowstorm coming.
Here's how you can help:
Stay out of the way. Let the plows get out there and get the roads and parking lots cleared. Tonight while you are snug in your beds, the plows will out there with salt and sand prepping the roads.
The firefighters in your town will be out several times during the height of the storm making sure all the fire hydrants are shoveled out. Help them to help you: stay out of the way! Do not shovel all the snow out of your drivieway onto the nearest fire hydrant and bury it.

It is recommended that all "non-essential" travel is suspended for the next 12 hours or so. So getting to your 7 a.m. Pilates class would be "non-essential", as cruel as that sounds.
Hey- I'm from NH- we drive in any weather! But remember- just because your road is clear does not mean that the girl who opens your workout facility at 6 every morning can get out of her driveway safely. So let's not be a self-absorbed whiner, okay? If you really need to get your workout in, go shovel out your elderly neighbor. Shovel out a hydrant. Or take the day off. Have some liquor.

Here's a handy checklist to help you with any additional questions you may have:

What exactly is "non-essential" travel?
Answer: if you are not Police, Fire or Medical personnel or a snow plow operator; your travel would be non-essential.
If you are actively involved in giving birth, the road is yours.
If you jump in your BMW to grab a latte; well, that's just not essential.

In fact, if you have to pause and wonder "Am I essential?", you are, in fact, not.

1 comment:

Mae Rae said...

how funny is that? My honey is not "essential" by most people's means but he delivers that oxygen to the hospitals to help people stay alive. His boss considers him essential. He was out today and said that you could not even believe how crazy people were driving around...just to see the sights. DUH!