Friday, March 20, 2009

Does this make sense?

According to Lizzie we have a new new bathroom. Not to be confused with the old new bathroom. It's the finishing touch on our new "Master Suite" which is a fancy way of saying "it's next to our really big new bedroom and we have to share it".
I have never shared a bathroom with my husband. I like to keep things like nail polish and bras and coffee cups lying around; and Lizzie adds in balloons, straws, and all my good CD's for work. John likes to fill his bathroom with spare change, receipts from Home Depot, tools, cans of paint, and cleaning supplies.
Fast forward to now: this bathroom is a work of art: walls the color of hot chocolate, blue and brown tiles, big jet tub*, big shower stall with French doors (so cool) and one of those automatic shower cleaners because the new Mr. Fastidious wants to "keep it nice". Not one fingertip towel out of place... We even have a double sink with two mirrors because I tend to spit toothpaste all over "my" mirror and thats' just gross. Okay......... but it only has one toilet ......................

*Lizzie likes to put on a bathing suit and go swimming in it.

1 comment:

Becca's blog said...

Ok...I laughed a lot at this one. our family in a nutshell hahaha!