Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Holiday (c)rap

Lizzie is singing "Police Navidad"... Seriously- WHAT is with her and the cops?!!
I love Holiday music- most of it, anyhow. There are some stupid songs out there (Grandma got run over by a reindeer), annoying songs (Dominic the Donkey), and funny songs (Santa Claus and his Old Lady by Cheech and Chong). But the WORST-EVER SONG- ever- is The Christmas Shoes. That song just blows. It's not just a sad song, it's a song that leaves me feeling bereft of joy. And Homicidal.... I'm going to try and write a worse song for you. Here goes:

It was December twenty-fourth
when Santa knocked on my door
He said " I hate to tell ya, Homey
but yo Mamma's a whore."

Nope- even after only one verse, I can tell that it will be WAY BETTER than The Christmas Shoes.
Plus- that song doesn't make sense. If someone I loved was dying, I would bring Chocolate or wine or some medicinal herbs to help ease the pain. Maybe I would get shoes for ME- new shoes always brighten up my day! Ooh- and a new purse!

1 comment:

Luke Richard said...

My (Nicki not Luke - he doesn't have a secretary) cried yesterday at her desk when christmas shoes came on. And I thought of you. It is a sad song. Cry at work sad? probly not, but sad.