Tuesday, November 18, 2008


To Manda, who is going to help me pimp out my page, something-something-something, enabling my blog to generate revenue. And she signed her comment! Unlike Lt. "Big Jeff " Noble, who left a comment and chose to remain anonymous. Oops- my bad.

To Ellen "If-only-I-could-somehow-bedazzle-my-own-shroud M., for basically just putting up with me and also for having a crazier kid than mine. Thanks, sweetie. Tell me again how much you hate our school department.

To Mari's Mom, who told me I was funny, and I'm pretty sure she meant amusingly funny, not Dude- what's wrong with your brother funny, not spoiled food- does this taste funny funny... (said the cannibal eating the clown)

And finally to my Mom, who still calls it my Blob. Mom- it's a BLOG. A BLOB is a gelatinous movie villain. Sheesh....

1 comment:

Luke Richard said...

I like that Nana calls it a blob, it makes me laugh :) and you're welcome for "introducing" you to Manda :)